2014 Arizona Election Recommendations . . . And Those Who Should Be Rejected

It’s typical for opinionists to relay who should be entrusted with your vote. There is some of that below. But in some races we take the unusual step of telling you why others should be rejected. Ultimately, it’s your decision. But at least we can provide some compelling menu items for consideration. Governor: Doug Ducey. Jon Kyl served Arizona with … Read More

The Need To See Decency More Than Red

One of Arizona’s top political blogs for years has been seeingredaz.com. It is not right. It is hard right. And the blog’s contributors defend their positions with courage and conviction. But this recent refrain from a post about Arizona Secretary of State and 2014 Republican aspirant for Governor was not such a post. The post in its entirety can be … Read More

The Difference Between Tom Horne & Bill Montgomery

As the travails of Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne continue, at least until he is voted out and down by state Republicans on August 26th, the honor and duty of law enforcement counterpart Bill Montgomery is a reminder that it didn’t have to be this way. Perhaps it is Montgomery’s military background. Perhaps it is a moral compass that focuses … Read More

Let’s Be More Artful At Scottsdale’s WestWorld, Not Artraegous

One of the finest baseball stadiums in the country is AT&T Park in San Francisco. Outside of an entrance sits an impressive statue of Willie Mays, the greatest Giant and player of all time. Cameras click as the sense of arrival is profound. Unknown is how this particular piece of art came to be. What is known is that someone … Read More

Easy Early Endorsements In Paradise Valley Elections

It is somewhat surprising in what is arguably Arizona’s most impressive community that the turnover on the Town Council is so substantial. A retiring Mayor. A relocating popular councilman named Schweiker and a previous top vote getter named Kirby choosing to devote more time to her elected position on the Scottsdale School Board. By acclimation Vice Mayor Michael Collins will … Read More

Holding Activists Accountable

No matter the municipality City Hall activists like to fancy themselves as guardians of veracity. Elected officials aren’t giving it to you straight. Something untoward is going on. But for us the world will end. Their intelligence varies but the refrains are largely the same when it comes to development matters, pensions, imaginative projects and other matters of civic life. … Read More

John McCain: Shinseki’s Head Not Mine Please

John McCain learned an invaluable crisis communication lesson during and after his Keating Five debacle. If you’re not part of the solution you are part of the problem. In other words, never be the status quo, especially when trouble hits. It is an approach that has served McCain well. In a world of crisis communication “experts” he may be the … Read More

Tempe Should Support Happier Hours For Yucca Tap Room

According to the owners of Tempe’s famed Yucca Tap Room, things are awry and city officials want their property. The Republic has some background on the situation. Click here. The one-time platform of Roger Clyne and many other local music aspirants, the distinct bar is something to be celebrated and assisted, not run over as appears the intent of city … Read More

Time For Investigators To Get Horney

If Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne is not investigated by someone for what appears to be a blatant misuse of taxpayer dollars to aid his own election, we are not sure what the point of any campaign finance law is. While some of these laws can be complex, the prohibited use of taxpayer dollars and government staff to assist one’s … Read More