Tempe Making a Bold Move Regarding Housing Discrimination: How Will This Work?

In what should come as no surprise to local readers, Tempe has long been guided by left-of-center politics. A younger populace combined with a heavy concentration of those who earn a living within academia is nearly tailor made to foster a more liberal ethos within a city, and Tempe hasn’t historically shied away from this expectation. Its recent moves regarding … Read More

How Big is the Multifamily Housing Issue in Scottsdale? Now We Know

If you read this blog regularly, we don’t have to tell you: the rental crisis is real, it is truly rearing its ugly head in Arizona, and while multifaceted, one of the biggest drivers of it is a shortage in supply. This is why we’ve been shouting from the rooftops about the need for additional housing supply, and there are … Read More

Scottsdale in Top 10 Nationally for Rent – When Will We Learn?

We have been shouting from the rooftops about the rental crisis here in Arizona and the inadequate responses from local leadership (and overreaching responses from Legislative leadership). If you’re a regular reader, this is nothing new to you. But now us here in Scottsdale have reached new heights in this regard; just not necessarily in the right way. According to … Read More

Guest Editorial: 20 Applicants for Every Vacant Apartment

By Larry Kush I recently read an article in a nationally published apartment industry report called Rent Cafe, which stated that Scottsdale” renters struggled to find an apartment in our city where they met an awful mix of high occupancy rates of 96.3%, and 20 applicants competing for every vacant apartment that on average, stayed available for just 25 days.” … Read More

Econ 101: How to Solve the Valley’s Housing Crisis

I believe that we have a pretty sophisticated readership here, a subscriber base of highly educated people. As such, I assume many of you who are reading this have taken an Economics class or two. If you haven’t, I’ll explain one very simple principle: supply versus demand. Simply put, when supply of a good or service remains steady but demand … Read More