Smart and Safe Arizona: New Poll Shows Prop 207 to Legalize Marijuana in Arizona Ahead 57% To 38% in Statewide Survey

(PHOENIX) A statewide poll of 800 likely voters shows continued strong support for Prop 207, the Smart and Safe Arizona Act to legalize recreational marijuana in Arizona. A full 57% of voters support Prop 207 while 38% oppose it, almost identical to the measure’s support in early August (57-37%). In contrast to some recent public polling, this survey presented voters … Read More

OH Predictive: Kelly Rebounds, McSally Treads Water Kelly Leading McSally by 10 in the Grand Canyon State

PHOENIX (September 16th, 2020)- Former Astronaut Mark Kelly opened up a 10-point lead on Sen. Martha McSally in one of the most expensive and closely watched Senate races in the nation. According to a recent survey by OH Predictive Insights, Kelly earned the support of 52 percent of likely voters in an effort to finish the final two years of the late-Sen. John McCain’s term. In comparison, incumbent-Republican Martha McSally sits at 42 percent.

OH Predictive: Biden Extends Lead in Arizona

Former Vice President Outspending Trump 10:1 on Arizona Airwaves PHOENIX (September 14th, 2020)- After a summer of improving numbers for Donald Trump, the President once again faces daunting odds in Arizona. According to the most recent Arizona Public Opinion Pulse (AZPOP), Trump’s support has fallen to 42%, and former Vice President Joe Biden has risen to 52%. Biden’s 10-point lead is … Read More

All Scottsdale neighborhoods should be represented

by Scottsdale City Council Candidate John Little In 2003, the City Council appointed a task force to consider whether Scottsdale should elect the members of its City Council by district. Currently, the Mayor and all six members of the City Council are elected at-large. Although Scottsdale is not unique in having an at-large system, most communities the size of Scottsdale … Read More

Changing of the Guard at Grand Canyon Doorstep

Editor’s note: For years the Town Council in the Town of Tusayan, located just outside the Grand Canyon National Park,  had been controlled by a developer pursuing a controversial and unpopular project. A lifelong Tusayan resident who had stood up to the developer has now been elected Mayor. The following news release came from the newly elected Mayor, Clarinda Vail. … Read More

John Little: Win or Lose, Thank You

By John Little – On more than one occasion, I have remarked that if I had a dollar for every friend I have made during my 35-year journey in Scottsdale, I would be a rich man. Today, I realize it is not simply the quantity of those friendships, but the depth. I have been touched to my core by the … Read More

2020 AZ Primary Early Vote Wrap-Up

Data Orbital : What happened and what it means for November  — With the primary election tomorrow, we’re giving you our takeaways from the early vote data. There are still tens of thousands of ballots to be cast on Election Day, but the ballots mailed back thus far paint an interesting picture. Here are the high-level highlights you need to know … Read More

Virginia Korte: A Message to Scottsdale Citizens

By Virginia Korte — One of the greatest freedoms is the right to vote and is the foundation of any democracy. Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote in 1964: “The right to vote freely for the candidate of one’s choice is of the essence of a democratic society, and any restrictions on that right strike at the heart of representative government.” This Tuesday, … Read More

John Little: My Commitment to Our Community Members with Disabilities

By John Little — Friends and neighbors, The City of Scottsdale is a pioneer in providing services to address the needs of our community members with disabilities. The city’s Adaptive Services Division is a nationally-recognized office that offers essential services and opportunities for training, education, entertainment, life skills, and outdoor recreation. Furthermore, our public schools present a great range of … Read More

Tammy Caputi: Restarting Schools and Our Economy

By Tammy Caputi — School is scheduled to “start” in a few weeks online. As a parent with 3 children in our local public schools. I’m worried about what this is going to look like for our family- how we will stay safe, make sure our kids manage to keep up with their educations, and figure out a way to … Read More