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The nefarious tactics used by Arizona Public Service (APS) to eliminate an Arizona rooftop solar industry over the past year (Arizona Republic APS, solar companies clash over credits to customers; New York Times: On Rooftops, a Rival for Utilities) have been well documented by others. One of those stories (Huffington Post: Arizona Solar Policy Fight Heats Up) even described the … Read More

News Release: Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County Sheriff, Endorses Michael Auerbach for Scottsdale City Council

Scottsdale- City Council candidate Michael Auerbach today announces the Honorable Joe Arpaio has endorsed him for Scottsdale City Council. “Today I am pleased to endorse Michael Auerbach, Candidate for Scottsdale City Council 2014. Michael is a strong supporter of law enforcement and will be an advocate for public safety. I encourage you to support Michael in his run to ensure … Read More

Press Release: Poll Shows AZ Gubernatorial Election Wide Open

Cave Creek, AZ – Citing a recent poll showing the governor’s race is up-for-grabs, new entrant in the race, Frank Riggs, an Arizona businessman and former U.S. Congressman, touted his success in defeating Democratic candidates in a congressional district where Democrats enjoyed an almost 20-point registration advantage. The poll by Republican pollster Susquehanna Polling and Research suggests that over half … Read More

Press Release: Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio Endorses Michael Auerbach for Scottsdale City Council

February 13, 2014 – Scottsdale – City Council candidate Michael Auerbach today announces the endorsement of Phoenix City Councilman, Sal DiCiccio. “Today I am pleased to endorse Michael Auerbach, Candidate for Scottsdale City Council,” said DiCiccio. “Michael is a fiscal conservative who will fight to enact pension reform. The escalating cost of city government must be brought down, and Michael … Read More