Money is traditionally a significant determinant of a political campaign’s success, but as we are prone to saying, that alone doesn’t make or break an election; all the money in the world won’t matter if you don’t use it well, or your message doesn’t resonate. This lesson was as pronounced as it could possibly be in last week’s Scottsdale City … Read More
Scottsdale City Council Race: the YIMBY vs NIMBY Battle Lines are Drawn
The first election is thankfully right around the corner, so we will get a reprieve from the political ads for a brief few moments. But in the meantime, partially lost in the shuffle of the competitive primaries in Arizona is the Scottsdale City Council race. And some significant battle lines are being drawn around the issue of development. Indeed, the … Read More
How Does the Money Race Look for Scottsdale City Council Candidates?
The August election is almost within sight, and Q2 campaign finance reports were due on July 15th, giving us more insight as to how each of the candidates is doing in the vital money race. So how do the candidates stack up as we approach the election? We will start at the bottom, and two candidates are in very precarious … Read More
Which Scottsdale City Council Candidate Has the Best Signs?
Street signs are perhaps the most obnoxious, useless and expensive form of political advertising around. As many politicos often say, “Signs don’t vote”. So why do we see so many of them every year? Because no one wants to be the one candidate without any signs. However in a politically contentious and highly charged atmosphere as we currently have, we … Read More
Scottsdale Candidates Participate in Candidate Forum: Who Nailed It?
Election season is heating up, and Scottsdale will be electing three Councilmembers to help guide the city. Our elected officials will face numerous critically important issues in their approach to leadership, and as such we were pleased to find that the Scottsdale Independent put all of the candidates on the record regarding their views of some of them. You can … Read More
Guest Editorial: Let’s Go Scottsdale
The election for Scottsdale City Council is underway, and, as a candidate, I am committed to keeping Scottsdale prosperous and one of the lowest-taxed cities in the valley. I want this for you and for my own family. While collecting signatures to place my name on the ballot, the message I heard from residents became clear. Voters love the amenities and quality of life … Read More
A Veritable Who’s Who in Scottsdale
It was just last week when we went through the candidates who qualified for the ballot for the Scottsdale City Council race later this year, and Tim Stratton was one of those. We noted that he had strong Republican Party credentials and would likely be a player. Well we recently learned how strong those party creds are as we obtained … Read More
The Scottsdale City Council 2022 Race is Now Set: How Does It Look?
As with every campaign, it’s easy to say that you’re running for office; you can even file some paperwork to make it official. However actually getting on the ballot is a very different matter, involving the collection of a significant number of signatures from voters. Since the signature deadline has now passed, unless a candidate’s signatures are challenged we have … Read More