The Arrogance Of The Arcadia Event & Wedding Center

Some time ago Bob and Karen Hobbs bought the former home of favorite Arizona son Barry Goldwater.  Located on a hilltop in the heart of Paradise Valley their preservation and updating of the home was and is spectacular. From time to time they do events there, mainly political ones favoring the Grand Old Party.  But not a once have they … Read More

Return of the Witch?

We all remember Christine O’Donnell, as we try to forget her?  She was the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Delaware who rode that year’s Tea Party wave to upset the presumed nominee, he of the “establishment.”  In one of the worst political television advertisements ever produced she infamously declared she was “not a witch” as she attempted to retintroduce … Read More

Back To Basics & A Yes Vote In Scottsdale

Normally one doesn’t start with boring phrases, words and projects to entice a reader to continue on. But the language below while not sexy is compelling for reasons that will be explained. So, please read on. “Forty-year old infrastructure” in southern Scottsdale. “Replace existing chemical treatment systems” with new ones to “provide a safe and consistent disinfectant solution for public … Read More

From the New York Times: The Creativity Collective

By David Brooks When Dustin Yellin was 17 he dropped out of high school. The school was filled with jocks and cheerleaders and he clearly didn’t fit in. Plus he wasn’t intellectually engaged. He hitchhiked around New Zealand and returned to Colorado. He became an apprentice to an eccentric physicist who believed he could get free energy from space and … Read More

New York Times: The Next Culture War

by David Brooks Christianity is in decline in the United States. The share of Americans who describe themselves as Christians and attend church is dropping. Evangelical voters make up a smaller share of the electorate. Members of the millennial generation are detaching themselves from religious institutions in droves. Christianity’s gravest setbacks are in the realm of values. American culture is … Read More

Coyotes’ Fans Howling At The Wrong Leaders?

Hockey fans rhetorically cross-checked the Glendale City Council during and after a hearing that ultimately resulted in the municipality’s termination of its $15 million per year subsidy for the Arizona Coyotes. But were they directing their ire at the right people? Let’s reset. Having an NHL franchise in the Valley is a very good thing.  While the team has never … Read More

Hole In One For Kids. Bogey For Tourism?

Governor Doug Ducey is announcing today a reform to have more money from the sale of state land go into K-12 education.  Here is a link to the Republic’s coverage.  At a time of a rising Arizona real estate market this appears, on the surface, to be government innovation at its best. It is both good policy and good politics … Read More

Paradise Valley Decorum Unbecoming

We have not been fans to date of an overly aggressive development plan for a Ritz-Carlton resort and community in Paradise Valley. But even we can admit that the story of last week should have been the signs (finally) that the developer is at least starting to get it by dropping the second “H” in its HGH plan for the … Read More

The Hypocrisy of One Scottsdale Preservationist Toward A Wright House Gone Wrong

Preservation of Scottsdale’s McDowell Mountains is one of the finest accomplishments by any municipality in the nation over the past two decades. Resident John Nichols was a part of those efforts.  He is to be commended. His recent effort via an Arizona Republic letter to editor supporting the David Wright House in Arcadia and deriding critics as “NIMBYs” is not … Read More