Scottsdale Police Using Drones: Effective Crime-Fighting or Intrusion on Privacy?

Arizona has always had a bit of a social libertarian streak; one focused on self-reliance, of personal freedoms, and a disdain for “big government”. Sometimes that desire for personal freedom and a lack of government intrusion can clash with another aspect of much of the state, and specifically Scottsdale: a respect for the work of law enforcement. So what happens … Read More

As Thefts and STR Issues Intensify, Scottsdale Dials Up the Pressure

You heard it here, how the country’s laissez faire approach to immigration enforcement may have led to a ring of burglaries in the area (read the story here). Also, the issue of short-term rental (STR) “party houses” has long been a hot-button issue in the city. Now both of these issues are coming to a head and getting the attention … Read More

Is the Phoenix Open Too Much of a Drain on Public Resources?

The WM Phoenix Open recently made headlines around the world as the golf tournament known for a touch of rowdiness and bacchanalia went overboard this year. While the overboard partying that this year was known for is difficult to quantify, we did recently hear of a piece of data that has us rethinking the Open in a very real way. … Read More

Back the Blue This November and Stand With First Responders

Arizona Voters Will have The Opportunity to Directly Support Arizona First Responders During the November Election This November, voters will decide on a ballot measure designed to support Arizona first responders. The measure, known as the Back the Blue Act, strengthens criminal penalties for assaulting a first responder and increases survivor benefits to the families of first responders who are killed … Read More

Gilbert Goons: A Gang or Child’s Play?

By Cambria Schwartz Within the past year seemingly random and violent attacks have been inflicted on teenagers in the Gilbert area. While the Gilbert Goons have yet to be classified as an official street gang, there is a growing concern amongst parents and authorities. This gang is made up of upper-middle-class young adults and juveniles ranging from ages as young … Read More

A Tribute to a Life of Service

Recently the Town of Paradise Valley unexpectedly lost a giant; and it did so in a heart-wrenching manner, but one that put the heart and soul of this giant on full display. Former Paradise Valley Police Chief John Wintersteen passed away recently. A driver had accidentally hit a family dog, and Wintersteen instinctually went to care for the dog and … Read More

Social Justice Concerns Potentially Leading to More Law Enforcement in Phoenix?

By Jessica Perez Over the last few years our roads have become more dangerous than ever before. While the state of Arizona continues to grow, so does the number of car accidents. Shortsighted solutions like the implementation of ticketing cameras have been discussed. Still, is the lack of police officers in traffic enforcement departments one of the causes to our … Read More

Is “Defund the Police” Dead? Hopefully and Perhaps: Phoenix is Significantly Bumping Law Enforcement Spending

While the death of George Floyd did force America to confront the more extreme elements of policing, it did have some more negative repercussions, most prominently protests that turned destructive in a number of cities. One other less-than-deal repercussion was the beginning of the “defund the police” movement, where more extreme left-wing activists called for anything between a significant reduction … Read More

Paradise Valley Makes the Right Choice: Rewarding Law Enforcement

It has been a difficult climate for law enforcement for the last few years. Since the George Floyd murder and resulting protests across the country and world, there has been a general ethos of categorizing all law enforcement in the same bucket of excess and impropriety from a large portion of the political left. As we know, there are certainly … Read More