Why yes, we did just finish an election, and the new president (same as the old president) was just recently inaugurated. But a good portion of the electorate is already hoping to fast forward four years, so why not take a far-too-early look at what 2028 might look like? Thankfully, recent polling takes a look at how things might play … Read More
We’re Number 1! Scottsdale Job Market Tops in the Nation in New Report
If you had paid attention to the myriad advertisements and mailers distributed up to last year’s election day, you might have been confused into thinking that Scottsdale is in a downward spiral of sorts, with serious fiscal and social issues threatening to take the city down. To oust an incumbent you need to make a case that things are going … Read More
New Data Orbital & AZ Free News Poll: 2026 AZ GOP Gubernatorial Primary
Data Orbital is pleased to announce the results of its latest mixed-mode survey of likely 2026 Republican Primary Election voters in Arizona. The survey was conducted from January 18th to January 20th. Survey results reveal that Congressman Andy Biggs leads the field of prospective candidates with 31.7% compared to 12.4% for Karrin Taylor-Robson and 7.4% for Kimberly Yee. 45.0% were … Read More
Reimagining Done Right: Phoenix Nails It with Development Project
One of the biggest knocks about Phoenix is a lack of history, especially insofar as architecture goes. If it’s more than a couple decades old, it’s due for a tear down and a rebuild. In the process a good amount of history can be lost and the character of the city is chipped away, bit by bit. That said, not … Read More
Guest Editorial: America on the Rise: Celebrating New Beginnings
By Doug Ducey A Fresh Start I want to start off by congratulating President Trump on his inauguration as the 47th President of the United States. It’s time to turn the page on the last four years and get back to an America where opportunity and prosperity are abundant. I was in Idaho ahead of Governor Brad Little’s State of … Read More
Where Disappointment Intersects with the Drive for Redemption: Mark Andrews
Our analytics tools don’t give us this level of granularity of information, but we’re going to guess that you’re a football fan to some degree. You are an American (or at least 99+% of you, but Ni Hao to our 50 or so Chinese readers per year), and football is the de facto national pastime after all. And if you … Read More
Democrats Demonstrate Why They Can’t Win the Legislature: Rank and File Elected Against Common Sense Immigration Fix
By Alexander Lomax If this recent election taught us anything, it’s that the economy and immigration were major subjects that the larger electorate sought out change for. And immigration as a priority issue is nothing new for us Zonies; it might be the one singular evergreen issue that we have as a border state. And Democrats, at least at the … Read More
News Release: Complaint Filed Against Axon For Failing To Disclose Massive Sums It Spent To Prevent Public Vote On 1,900 Unit Scottsdale Apartment Complex
(Scottsdale, Ariz.) Taser manufacturer Axon likes to brag about being a friend to law enforcement. These days Axon is gaining fame for flouting the law. Axon is believed to have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more, in a failed attempt to stop a petition drive that will put its controversial and unpopular 1,900-unit apartment proposal to a … Read More
The New Sheriffs are in Town: Scottsdale Shows a New Direction with Sustainability Plan Repeal
By Ronald Sampson Scottsdale voted for change in this past election; it rejected a couple sitting councilmembers and the incumbent mayor. And it only took about one week, but Scottsdale is already getting a strong whiff of that change. Last week was a very busy one at the council dais, and the new iteration of council is setting its sights … Read More
Guest Editorial: Saying Goodbye and Thank You & Happy New Year!
By Councilwoman Solange Whitehead As we wrap up our four years together, I am writing to thank my outgoing colleagues Mayor David Ortega and Councilmembers Betty Janik, Tammy Caputi, and Tom Durham. Together we set Scottsdale on a winning trajectory that will deliver results for decades to come. I am so honored to have worked with all of you and wanted to highlight some of … Read More