Guest Editorial: Jaw Dropping Disrespect, Lies and Deaf Ears Mark the First Meeting of Scottsdale’s New City Council

By Linda Milhaven At Tuesday’s City Council meeting, Barry Graham and Adam Kwasman led one of the most disrespectful displays I have witnessed in 30 years of watching City Council meetings. Jan Dubauskas and Kathy Littlefield were complicit. They stifled discussion by preventing their colleagues from speaking and disputing Graham’s misstatements. They shouted over colleagues taking control of the meeting … Read More

Guest Editorial: Scottsdale City Council – Caputi and McAllen

By Linda Milhaven Hello again, I got several emails asking about the Scottsdale City Council race so I am reaching out again. I am voting for Tammy Caputi and Maryann McAllen for City Council. Tammy is finishing her first term on City Council and has served with distinction.  She is a smart and thoughtful businessperson.  She listens, researches the issues, … Read More

Early Election Results: Potential Shocks, Numerous Surprises

By Alexander Lomax The initial primary results have come in, and at the time of writing there are still a few questions but also a number of answers. There were a couple shocks, some more surprises, and increased clarity as to how the November elections will shake out. First off, Republican turnout was robust both locally and throughout the county; … Read More

Sparks Fly in Recent Scottsdale Mayoral Debate

As you almost certainly know, Scottsdale voters will decide on July 30th whether or not to give David Ortega a second term. Former councilmembers Lisa Borowsky and Linda Milhaven are taking him on and attempting to make it to a run-off election in November, and a recent forum demonstrated both that the knives have officially come out, and what specific … Read More

Will Mayor David Ortega Win Outright on July 30th?

Amongst the many partisan primaries that will be decided in the July 30th election, Scottsdale will also have its municipal races on that same ballot, both mayoral and city council races. While perhaps one city council candidate will avoid a run-off and win outright in July (Tammy Caputi has the best chance with an enormous fundraising lead), the mayoral race … Read More

Guest Editorial: Scottsdale Police Endorse Milhaven for Mayor

By Linda Milhaven I am honored to announce that the Police Officers of Scottsdale Association has endorsed me for Mayor of Scottsdale. During my time on City Council, I supported changes to police compensation to insure that we are competitive and provide pay and benefits that allow us to retain and attract the most talented people and provide them with … Read More

Guest Editorial: Milhaven Endorsed by Scottsdale Association of Realtors

The Scottsdale Association of Realtors endorses me for Mayor.  I am grateful, honored and inspired by their confidence in me. For many of us, our homes are our most important investment.  Our home values and the vibrancy of the real estate market are directly affected by the quality of our neighborhoods and our community.   As Mayor, I will continue … Read More

Scottsdale Politics: How is the Mayoral Race Looking?

This year’s Scottsdale mayoral race won’t be anywhere near as wild as it was in 2020. Back then there were five competitors, including five current and past city councilmembers, vying for an open seat. This year it is much more tame, with an incumbent running against two former councilmembers. As is often the case in politics, the campaign finance reports … Read More