The Cost of Lies: Recorder Stephen Richer Makes the Ultimate Stand

By Ronald Sampson In what is almost certainly one of the biggest blockbusters in party infighting in recent Arizona memory, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer has officially put his foot down in one of the most gutsy ways possible: he is suing Kari Lake for defamation. You don’t need to be an insider (or even an Arizonan) to guess why. … Read More

Can We Finally Be Done With This?

By Alexander Lomax Here we go again…Kari Lake manages to get in the news again. Lovely. To give some added context, the ongoing embarrassment that is Lake’s election denialism has been nearly completely smacked down in the courts (courts which have been largely packed by Doug Ducey, i.e. not exactly leftist ideologues) but the most recent judgment left one little … Read More

Governor Hobbs’s Internal Crisis: Alienating Her Own Just to Pass a Budget

Photo Credit: Time MagazineBudget time at the Arizona Capitol is always an interesting place to be, but perhaps no more so than now. It had already been a rough month or so for Governor Katie Hobbs (get up to date here), but the budget negotiations (or relative lack thereof) look like they will make “tamale-gate” look like a walk in … Read More

The Kari Lake Electoral Anchor: How She Is Arizona Republicans’ Biggest Problem

By Alexander Lomax Groundhog’s Day was last month, but you almost wouldn’t know that’s the case in Arizona. Stop me if you’ve heard this before: Kari Lake claimed election fraud and judges told her that she has almost no case whatsoever. And yet she keeps trying, bless her heart. And the biggest winners? Arizona Democrats. Just like they made the … Read More