New DACA Ruling Once Again Ignites Worries for Arizona Citizens

By Jessica Perez On Wednesday, September 13th a U.S. Federal Judge deemed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) program illegal once again. Texas District Judge Andrew Hanen’s decision has not ended the DACA program but rather brought it back to the spotlight. Currently, the DACA Renewal process is still in full effect. Yet, initial DACA Applicants have been caught … Read More

Elections 2022: What We Learned About Arizona Based on Proposition Votes

As the dust settles on this election, conclusions and general punditry are coming out of everywhere and anywhere. Shoot, we even did so regarding what we believe Arizonans told us about the statewide candidate campaigns. But no one is talking about the various propositions that Arizonans also voted on, so we’re here for you on that subject. 1. A Little … Read More

The Political Right and Left United for Prop 308: Here’s Why

In today’s political climate, where social media algorithms seem to turn everything into an us vs them, with us or against us dynamic. It is increasingly difficult to work across the aisle without your own eating you alive and primarying you. So when denizens of each political wing come together in support of a common cause, it is worth noting. … Read More

Why You Should Vote Yes on Proposition 308

There will be quite a few important choices on your ballot this fall. I’m sure that I don’t have to tell you that between a US Senate race, all of the statewide races and control of the legislature, quite a few important things hang in the balance. That said, for one group of people, even more hangs in the balance. … Read More