The Dumbfounding David Smith

There are few more interesting municipal elected officials in Arizona today than Scottsdale City Councilman David Smith. Having served as the City Treasurer he was the ultimate insider.  Then as a candidate he ran as a quasi-outsider.  Smith is whip smart and no matter one’s view of him he cannot be questioned about his affinity for the community. Recently, however, … Read More

Toll Brothers 2 In Scottsdale

One of the worst city managers in Scottsdale history was Jan Dolan.  She intimidated staff and fought so much with Barrett-Jackson she almost forced them away.  Space, even online, does not permit her laundry list of errors.  But we would like to focus on one, for Scottsdale history may be repeating itself at great consequence to taxpayers. Following the landmark … Read More

C’mon South Scottsdale

Recently we noticed this letter in the Scottsdale Republic.  It reminded us of that irresistible curmudgeonly charm of some southern Scottsdale residents who sometimes seem like male virgins betrothed to Gisele Bundchen.  You just can’t make some people happy. From the Scottsdale Republic South Scottsdale Can’t Grow Like This By Maj. George Stafford, Scottsdale   I have lived in South … Read More

Helping Arizona See More Freedom

Arizona  Governor Doug Ducey is rightfully positioning Arizona for a better state of innovation, for the best possible business climate. As members of all parties consider whether our state is to be one of the past or one of the future more and more legislative issues are being viewed through the innovation prism.  Are you a dinosaur like the decision … Read More

Odds & Ends To The Week

*A scandal is brewing for one elected official in the Northeast Valley *Downtown Scottsdale businessman and activist Bill Crawford has formed an exploratory committee to run for Scottsdale Mayor *Good news.  Scottsdale City Manager Fritz Behring has been on medical leave for months but has been visiting City Hall and events about town much more lately.  A date for his … Read More

A Way For Scottsdale To Stay Best In Class

Once upon a time a group of neighbors in McDowell Mountain Ranch and a terribly odd no-growth activist teamed up to oppose the Ice Den on Bell Road near WestWorld.  Proposed by the then Phoenix Coyotes 20 years ago it was meant to serve as a training facility for the franchise, and an incredible new amenity for kids and families.  … Read More

Failure To Learn

Sean Noble’s recent take on the solar industry as outlined in his blog Noble Thinking in an entry entitled “Failure to Launch” represents a failure to learn on the part of the author. First a little background.  Nevada recently pulled the plug on “net metering” which requires utilities to pay the retail rate for the excess electricity rooftop solar customers send … Read More

Why the world is talking about ASU

By Michael Crow Dear friends of ASU, As we enter an exciting new year of excellence at Arizona State University, I want to call your attention to just how momentous 2015 was in the evolution of our New American University. We set milestones in research, accessibility and achievement throughout our learning enterprise, and for service to our local and global … Read More

Watch Out For Her

Not to channel Hillary Clinton but it does seem women often endure a double standard in the political arena.  Donald Trump’s campaign theatrics make him a “leader,” “entertaining,” and “commanding.”  Imagine if a woman acted so.  “Bitch” would be the most frequently used term.  Like it was when Christine Jones ran for Governor in 2014.  Others have avoided such labels … Read More

Scottsdale: It’s OK To Lend More Ear To The Loyal Opposition

The success of recent Scottsdale efforts to fund city improvements with new general obligation bonds isn’t great.  Indeed, a merry band of opponents defeated all of the bond requests several years back and only two passed during the latest effort in 2015. The campaigns in support of the requests were wayward, but something more fundamental was at play too.  Opponents … Read More