Is Kate Gallego’s Time in Phoenix Coming to an End?

Kate Gallego has had a strongly positive time as the mayor of Phoenix. The city has overseen major global businesses setting up shop there during her time in office, she has avoided major snafus, and outside of a growing homelessness issue (which has been the case in nearly every major American city since Covid) the city hasn’t encountered major issues. … Read More

Scottsdale’s Not Going On a Diet: Road Diets are Ditched

As political commentators and pundits, we love a good spicy topic. There’s nothing like contention to bring in scores of people to otherwise sleepy city council meetings, to give impassioned speeches (or screeds), to beg, plea, shame and perform histrionic incantations to their leaders to attempt to get them on their side. It’s truly entertaining. Those of us in Scottsdale … Read More

Connect Maricopa Committee Launches in Support of Prop 400 Extension

Connect Maricopa, the official campaign in support of the Proposition 400 renewal, formally launched today with a coalition of business, community, and public sector leaders advocating for the extension of the transportation funding measure. The effort is led by Pam Kehaly, CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona; Mesa Mayor John Giles; Maricopa County Supervisor Jack Sellers; Mike Hoover, CEO of Sundt … Read More

Do We Still Need Proposition 400?

Proposition 400 is the sort of item that has been there for as long as many of us have been in the Valley, but few of us think about it. The one-half cent sales tax has been instrumental in facilitating the growth of our area since its inception in 1986 and continuance in 2004. It will be expiring in a … Read More