Kate Gallego has had a strongly positive time as the mayor of Phoenix. The city has overseen major global businesses setting up shop there during her time in office, she has avoided major snafus, and outside of a growing homelessness issue (which has been the case in nearly every major American city since Covid) the city hasn’t encountered major issues.
However, there is now buzz going around that Gallego may abandon her post…for Washington.
In January she was appointed to the Transforming Transportation Advisory Committee; perhaps a result of her hands-on participation in helping Proposition 400 pass, which will extend light rail and provide massive funding for present and future transportation projects. Perhaps her help with crafting Transportation 2050 helped, which is a 35-year plan to guide Phoenix’s transportation future.
But another aspect that isn’t often talked about except within political circles? Family.
For those who are unaware, Mayor Gallego and Congressman/current US Senate-candidate Ruben Gallego were married and had a son together but split before the birth. Said son lives in Mayor Gallego, but obviously it’s not ideal for a son to be a few thousand miles away from its father. While the business of leading a city like Phoenix is an important one, family almost always comes first except for the most ambitious of politicians. Gallego does seem to have her priorities straight.
While Gallego’s transportation credentials are certainly real and her knowledge in that space profound, it’s reasonable to assume that part of the reason why she took that committee position was to have a reason to be in DC more in order to see her child.
It’s also reasonable to believe that should Joe Biden win again, both Gallegos are angling to get the Mayor into the cabinet, perhaps as Transportation Secretary. Current Secretary Pete Buttigieg is almost certainly too ambitious to stay in this position another four years, and Gallego in that seat would be best for both Gallegos.
Is this set in stone? Absolutely not, and it all depends on Biden winning again, which is very much in doubt. But if he does, don’t be surprised if there is an opening for Mayor of Phoenix.