Public outrage has a way of swaying politicians. So does looking around and seeing that you’re on an island with a particular view. Scottsdale Mayor David Ortega apparently has learned this firsthand, and it seems to have shifted the conversation regarding the most notable and controversial topic so far this year. After public disagreement and obstinance, it now seems as … Read More
Rio Verde Foothills Updates: Mayor Ortega is Softening His Tone, and New AG Mayes Weighs In
The ongoing water crisis with the Rio Verde Foothills is indeed a very difficult situation for the residents there with many moving parts from the legal and legislative side, especially with summer coming. As the residents seek any good options, the battle lines had been drawn with Mayor Ortega taking a staunch position against using city resources to help. Given … Read More
Guest Editorial: Scottsdale City Council to Consider Rio Verde Foothills Agreement
By Councilwoman Solange Whitehead
Scottsdale is Leading the Way in Water Conservation: Plenty of Pain is Left Though
Photo Credit: Water is the most critical issue in our area, as nearly everyone knows (you can get up to speed on our perspectives about it here). To that end, we had some good news recently, but it also comes with concern and potentially even dread at what is to come. We found out recently that the city of … Read More
The Countdown is Over in the Rio Verde Foothills: Cooler Heads Didn’t Prevail
The potential consequences of water security in a high growth area that also happens to be in a desert have been looming over the valley for quite some time, and Ground Zero for that looming crisis has been the Rio Verde Foothills on the outskirts of Scottsdale. We have written about this crisis previously, and while the question was up … Read More