Guest Editorial: The Harris Honeymoon

By Tony Fabrizio Many of you have heard me refer to the upcoming “Harris Honeymoon” that I expect to see in the public polling over the next couple of weeks. As I’ve explained, the honeymoon will be a manifestation of the wall-to-wall coverage Harris receives from the MSM. The coverage will be largely positive and will certainly energize Democrats and … Read More

Is Kate Gallego’s Time in Phoenix Coming to an End?

Kate Gallego has had a strongly positive time as the mayor of Phoenix. The city has overseen major global businesses setting up shop there during her time in office, she has avoided major snafus, and outside of a growing homelessness issue (which has been the case in nearly every major American city since Covid) the city hasn’t encountered major issues. … Read More

Political Observations in Scottsdale: If Signs Could Vote

By Ronald Sampson As a political nerd, I love to read the tea leaves of an election by strolling through the area. You can learn a lot about the dynamics of a race by simply driving around and seeing the street signs in the area. Granted, signs don’t vote, and sometimes an overabundance of street signs is more of an … Read More

Speakers’ Corner: Russell “Rusty” Bowers

This is a place where free speech and public debate are welcomed and encouraged. The Speakers’ Corner originated in the mid-19th century at London’s Hyde Park. The concept spread worldwide both physically and now virtually. Here at the Arizona Progress & Gazette, we are presenting this platform in the form of question-and-answer style interviews with people who have had a … Read More

She’s In: Linda Milhaven Jumps Into Scottsdale Mayoral Race

She’s In Former Scottsdale City Councilwoman Linda Milhaven earlier this week filed the paperwork to officially enter the 2024 race against Mayor David Ortega. Lisa Borowsky, also a former Scottsdale City Councilwoman and Ortega’s final foe in 2020, has left little doubt that she also intends to run. Even more interesting is yet another former — thrice elected Mayor Jim … Read More

The Cost of Lies: Recorder Stephen Richer Makes the Ultimate Stand

By Ronald Sampson In what is almost certainly one of the biggest blockbusters in party infighting in recent Arizona memory, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer has officially put his foot down in one of the most gutsy ways possible: he is suing Kari Lake for defamation. You don’t need to be an insider (or even an Arizonan) to guess why. … Read More

The Current Culture Wars Come to Arizona Again: Why Both Sides are Wrong

By Alexander Lomax What do you consider to be an important quality in an elected official? Perhaps their ability to compromise and get deals done, perhaps their approach on fiscal matters and spending. Maybe it’s a major social issue with significant ramifications for you and your loved ones, such as abortion. Before this past election, nearly no one would have … Read More