Looking Towards July 30th: the Democratic Primary for Maricopa County Sheriff

In our “Looking Towards July 30th” series we have been looking at contested primaries that may shape the future of our area. In our last installment, we look at one of the more unusual primaries, the Democratic primary for Maricopa County Sheriff. This seat was never a truly intriguing one until Joe Arpaio and his particular style of bravado and … Read More

Looking Towards July 30th: The County Recorder’s Race

Arizona’s primaries have traditionally been in the month of August, but recently local elections got bumped up to July 30th. With this deadline looming, we want to take a look at a few contentious primaries that are making waves and are worth your attention. As for this round, let’s look at the Republican primary for Maricopa County Recorder. Incumbent Stephen … Read More

The Battle for Maricopa County Recorder May Be Fought on the Right Flank: Stephen Richer Will Have Challengers

County Recorder Stephen Richer walked a strange and fine line in his successful effort to oust former Recorder Adrian Fontes; he sometimes found himself flirting with election conspiracies, but his time in the office itself has largely been spent confirming the fidelity of our elections. One could say that his shift was political expediency, one could say that the newfound … Read More

Maricopa County Has a New Sheriff with a New Party, but Not Without Controversy

Maricopa County, you have a new head Sheriff. And as far as successions go, this one is a bit more controversial than most. In a surprise move, Democrat Paul Penzone announced that he was stepping down to take a community relations job with Blue Cross Blue Shield. Cleaning up after the myriad federal restrictions in the wake of former Sheriff … Read More

Speaker’s Corner: Kate Brophy McGee

This is a place where free speech and public debate are welcomed and encouraged. The Speakers’ Corner originated in the mid-19th century at London’s Hyde Park. The concept spread worldwide both physically and now virtually. Here at the Arizona Progress & Gazette, we are presenting this platform in the form of question-and-answer style interviews with people who have had a … Read More

Guest Editorial: ICYMI A Year in Review: Looking Back at 2023

By Supervisor Thomas Galvin Hello Neighbors, Happy New Year! As we step into this promising year, I am filled with gratitude and pride for the remarkable progress we achieved together in Maricopa County. Serving as your County Supervisor in District 2 has been an incredible honor, and I’m enthusiastic about the opportunities to continue building a brighter future for all. … Read More

Statement from Supervisor Thomas Galvin on Rio Verde Foothills Standpipe Decision

“The Arizona Corporation Commission approved EPCOR’s application to construct a standpipe for water service to the Rio Verde Foothills community today. This is the long-term solution that I worked towards since becoming a member of the Board of Supervisors and serving District 2. I am happy that the good folks in Rio Verde Foothills will have a long-term, reliable water … Read More