As with every January, it’s the start of a brand new legislative session at the State Capitol. And this year portends to be a bit of a departure from recent years, as Republicans have extended their leads in both chambers at the legislature. So what should you expect? First, there will be precious few issues where both parties get along, … Read More
Democrats Demonstrate Why They Can’t Win the Legislature: Rank and File Elected Against Common Sense Immigration Fix
By Alexander Lomax If this recent election taught us anything, it’s that the economy and immigration were major subjects that the larger electorate sought out change for. And immigration as a priority issue is nothing new for us Zonies; it might be the one singular evergreen issue that we have as a border state. And Democrats, at least at the … Read More
Immigration as a Strength: Another Lesson Learned from November’s Elections
Immigration is always a hot-button issue in Arizona, and this year it dominated as a national issue in the election as the current administration’s inability to meaningfully stem the tide of migrants from south of the border turned into one of the primary hot-button issues of the year. Even after the election it is continuing as a major issue, as … Read More
Today’s Most Powerful Editorial That Will Not Make The Veep’s Day
Repost from the New York Post I never thought that I would fear for my life in my own home until it happened this year. In 2023, I began to notice significant changes in my apartment complex in Aurora, Colo., less than 20 miles from the sanctuary city of Denver. Local media have since reported that officials began busing illegal Venezuelan migrants into the area … Read More
Scottsdale a Main Target in International Burglary Ring: Should You Be Concerned?
Scottsdale is traditionally a very safe city, but like any city it is not entirely immune from issues. Parties get out-of-control in Old Town, fights happen, and occasionally there is gun violence. Our issues are typically relegated to relatively small issues such as that however, but there has been a troubling recent development that points to a significantly larger issue. … Read More
Illegal Immigration is Likely to Go On the Ballot: What It Means for the 2024 Elections
Nearly everyone engaged in current events enough to read our content understands that the state legislature passes laws in Arizona. However, not everyone is aware that the legislature can also pass bills for the sake of putting them to a public vote on your election ballot. And it is precisely through this mechanism that Arizona Republicans are making a bet … Read More
Burglaries A Problem In Scottsdale: Does Organized Crime and/or Immigration Play a Role?
By Cambria Schwartz Within the past year Scottsdale, and other cities across the Valley, have been plagued by a slew of burglaries. Who’s the culprit? You may think that it’s local troubled teens or some of the many homeless people trying to steal goods to make ends meet. In actuality, these thieves are part of a South American organized crime … Read More
Gov. Hobbs and Democrats Keep Moving to the Right on Immigration
By Ronald Sampson Any “old hats” who have followed politics for a while have undoubtedly seen the phenomenon of how political performance level at the national level impacts that at the state and local level. For instance, if a President is incredibly popular, lower-level politicians of the same party will do their best to ride the coattails, to match styles … Read More
Why You Should Vote Yes on Proposition 308
There will be quite a few important choices on your ballot this fall. I’m sure that I don’t have to tell you that between a US Senate race, all of the statewide races and control of the legislature, quite a few important things hang in the balance. That said, for one group of people, even more hangs in the balance. … Read More