Looking Towards July 30th: the Democratic Primary in Congressional District 1

As the July 30th primary election date nears, we wanted to highlight some of the more contentious primaries that will impact you and perhaps the entire region. Last week we checked out the Republican primary for the Maricopa County Recorder’s race, which is getting quite saucy (read our story here). Now we take a look at perhaps an even saucier … Read More

Rep. David Schweikert In Battle of His Life in Upcoming Election

Those of you who have played video games before are probably aware of the nature of escalating levels: at the end of each level of many games, you have to fight a bad guy. And if you defeat them and go to the next level, the bad guys get consistently more difficult to beat. And while we don’t want to … Read More

NEW SURVEY: No Majority Support in AZ for $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation

From Data Orbital Data Orbital is pleased to announce the results of its latest statewide, live-caller survey of registered voters. The survey was conducted from September 30th to October 1st. The survey focused on voters’ views of the proposed $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill and sought to gauge their position on the overall size of the spending package. The $3.5 … Read More

Guest Editorial: Circular Firing Squads

By Alexander Lomax Who says that off-years are a boring time in politics? The Department of Justice recently announced that they would be taking a deeper look into the Phoenix Police Department, and more specifically would be taking a look at their treatment of minorities, protestors, and the homeless. Congressman Ruben Gallego sent out a rather benign press release of … Read More