Looking Forward to July 30th: Q2 Update on Contested Primaries

Recently we took a look at some of the more contested and interesting primaries in our area, and with the 2nd quarter campaign finance reports now submitted, we finally got a final look at how the finances of the top four campaigns are looking, and as such, additional insight into the strength of those campaigns and their odds of success. … Read More

Looking Towards July 30th: the Democratic Primary in Congressional District 1

As the July 30th primary election date nears, we wanted to highlight some of the more contentious primaries that will impact you and perhaps the entire region. Last week we checked out the Republican primary for the Maricopa County Recorder’s race, which is getting quite saucy (read our story here). Now we take a look at perhaps an even saucier … Read More

Addendum: The Congressional District 1 Democratic Primary Just Got Stranger

This blog typically has pretty good takes. We’re not 100% correct, but we have a solid track record. So when attack ads against three of the top four challengers in the Democratic primary to unseat Representative David Schweikert go out but we can’t find one against the fourth (and that fourth is VERY well funded), well…it’s not hard to point … Read More

Democrats Getting Ugly in Congressional District 1

We just spoke about the mess in Congressional District 1 that is the Schweikert campaign (you can read that coverage here). As Schweikert has slogged through ethics complaints, fines, and disturbing tactics for years, Democrats have continuously lined up to try to oust him, and this year is no different. Numerous significant names with strong financial backing are brawling in … Read More

Rep. David Schweikert In Battle of His Life in Upcoming Election

Those of you who have played video games before are probably aware of the nature of escalating levels: at the end of each level of many games, you have to fight a bad guy. And if you defeat them and go to the next level, the bad guys get consistently more difficult to beat. And while we don’t want to … Read More