I’m pleased to announce Councilwoman Virginia Korte has endorsed my campaign for Scottsdale City Council:
“I’ve had the honor of knowing and working with Jennifer Petersen for many years. We became acquainted, and then became friends, during her service on the Scottsdale Unified School District Governing Board. Jennifer is an outstanding leader, always putting the needs of our children first. When she served as the Governing Board President, she made many important, and sometimes difficult decisions. She was always able to build consensus, find solutions, and maintain fiscal accountability. I know that she will provide the same type of leadership on the Scottsdale City Council, and that’s why I’m proud to lend my name in support of her candidacy. I’m confident that Jennifer will be a thoughtful, resolution-oriented, problem solver. She will seek common ground with her Council colleagues, and work toward meaningful goals for our City, and she will be an enthusiastic, positive voice for the citizens of Scottsdale. I hope that you will join me in supporting Jennifer Petersen for the Scottsdale City Council.”
– Virginia Korte, Councilmember – Scottsdale City Council
Virginia has deep roots in Scottsdale and been a strong advocate for the city. I look forward to working with Virginia on the important issues facing our city, and I am honored to receive her endorsement.