By Virginia Korte
There is no bigger success story in the city than the resurgence of our downtown area. It is truly inspiring.
Not long ago people joked that we rolled up our downtown sidewalks at sunset. It was a short 15 years ago that our downtown had boarded up buildings and tumbleweeds were literally blowing down the street. I even remember when the canal banks were just dusty trails full of trash.
All that has changed.
Today, galleries, restaurants and entertainment venues have created a vibrant area full of energy morning, noon and night. Downtown has grown from what was once only a tourist attraction to where people now live, work, enjoy the finest restaurants and experience fine arts and culture (not to mention the best shopping in town!).
Our revitalized downtown is the second largest employment area in the city, where residential property is appreciating at double the rate of the rest of the city and nearly 1,500 people now live, with many more expected to move there in the future.
This infusion of energy and employer enthusiasm to locate their businesses downtown did not happen by accident. It was by design. The city developed a zoning overlay that intensified downtown development – and it is working.
The revival of downtown is a great example of what can happen when we have a vision, work together to implement it and always put Scottsdale first.