More Fallout from Phoenix Open: An Incredible Burden on Public Safety

Nearly everyone in the Scottsdale area now knows what could easily be called the “The Phoenix Open Debacle of 2024”, when the regularly ribaldrous affair went a few steps too far with the debauchery. Fights, overt drunkenness, and even someone falling off of a balcony were the result (read our coverage here). Details have slipped in regarding how potentially problematic … Read More

Is the Phoenix Open Too Much of a Drain on Public Resources?

The WM Phoenix Open recently made headlines around the world as the golf tournament known for a touch of rowdiness and bacchanalia went overboard this year. While the overboard partying that this year was known for is difficult to quantify, we did recently hear of a piece of data that has us rethinking the Open in a very real way. … Read More

The Waste Management Phoenix Open is About to Get Even Wilder: With Sports Betting

By Ronald Sampson We all know the reputation of the Waste Management Phoenix Open, the biggest golf event in Arizona every year: wild, raucous, salacious, and whatever other adjective you’d use to describe an excellent party. And now, they’re about to turn the volume up to 11…with sports betting. The Scottsdale City Council, in conjunction with the Tournament Player’s Club … Read More