Scottsdale’s October Surprise? Traffic is About to Get Crazy Around Chaparral

There’s not too much to complain about in Scottsdale. However, one frequent concern from voters is traffic. Residents will often decry the construction of large apartment complexes out of concerns of increased traffic, and developments will often fail to pass through council without robust traffic mitigation plans. It’s a very real concern. So when the news broke that a large … Read More

The Photo Radar Camera Fight Comes to Scottsdale: Who’s Got It Right?

Many parts of Arizona were early adopters to photo radar cameras for traffic law enforcement. Many of you have likely received an unwelcome letter in the mail with a picture of yourself and a bill due. Speed cameras have gone up and come down, and the debate has raged much of the time. Now the debate has gotten some more … Read More

Unfortunate Requests for More Unnecessary Density in Scottsdale

By Ronald Sampson There has been a concerted shift away from the development hey-days of the past in Scottsdale, when it felt as though any interesting and well-financed idea conceived by developers would make its way through the city council with relative ease. More recently traffic, crowds (i.e. population density) and construction have made activists out of everyday people, and … Read More