Massive Water Rate Increases Avoided for Paradise Valley Customers

Dear Friends, Earlier today, I made final arguments for the Town at the Arizona Corporation Commission hearing on proposed rate increases for EPCOR water customers in Paradise Valley. I am very pleased to report that for the second time during my service as Mayor, the Town has achieved the excellent result of avoiding huge, sudden increases in water rates.  More details to be … Read More

A PV Shake-up – A Mayoral Battle and New Entrant for City Council Race is Making Waves in Paradise Valley

Paradise Valley politics haven’t always been the most exciting, but recent events demonstrate that 2022 will be different, as new entrants for Mayor and City Council will likely mix things up significantly. Councilmember Julie Pace recently submitted paperwork to run for Mayor in what will certainly be a closely watched battle against incumbent Jerry Bien-Willner. The two have had a … Read More

There’s More Work to Complete, With Your Ongoing Support

Dear Friends, I am writing to ask for your continued support as I work to preserve Paradise Valley’s status as Arizona’s premiere residential community. I am beginning my campaign for a renewed two-year mayoral term, and I would like to share my aspirations and my plans for our Town. The past two years have been a challenge for everyone, but I … Read More

Preserving their Quality of Life: In Face of inaction from State, Paradise Valley Proposes Restrictions on Short-term Rentals

Short-term rentals (STRs) facilitated by Airbnb and Vrbo have been a hot-button topic in Scottsdale for a while, turning into a campaign issue during last year’s election. The relative inaction at the state level has forced the hands of municipalities to do what they can to restrict them. Paradise Valley has recently started to do the same. Town Attorney Andrew … Read More

You Don’t Look a Day Over 40 – Paradise Valley Turns 60!

Happy birthday to one of America’s finest jewels of a town: Paradise Valley recently celebrated its 60th birthday! The celebration had been scheduled for April but was pushed back for Covid. It was attended by a who’s who of notable elected officials, including Mayor Jerry Bien-Willner, Congressman David Schweikert, AZ Senator Christine Marsh and AZ Representative Kelli Butler. PV has … Read More

Electric Fire Trucks…in Paradise Valley? Wise Move or a Waste of Money?

You heard it right…the town of Paradise Valley is currently considering replacing part of its fire truck fleet with electric fire trucks. Why? It comes in response to an allocation of funding from the American Rescue Plan Act enacted as a response to the Covid-19 crisis and the financial issues it caused in its wake. According to Mayor Jerry Bien-Willner, … Read More

Did the IRC Forget Paradise Valley, or did PV Get Snubbed?

Many of our readers are aware of the redistricting process going on currently; the Independent Redistricting Committee, a 5 person appointed body, is currently redrawing the congressional and legislative lines in the state of Arizona, as they do every decade after the census. Every decade there is conversation about what populations go into what districts, as well as the political … Read More