Guest Editorial: The Harris Honeymoon

By Tony Fabrizio Many of you have heard me refer to the upcoming “Harris Honeymoon” that I expect to see in the public polling over the next couple of weeks. As I’ve explained, the honeymoon will be a manifestation of the wall-to-wall coverage Harris receives from the MSM. The coverage will be largely positive and will certainly energize Democrats and … Read More

Arizona Federal Races: The Final Sprint in the Money Race

As we mentioned yesterday, the all-important Q3 campaign finance reports recently came out for all political races, and it provides us a crucial final window into each campaign’s relative strength and opportunity for success. Yesterday we covered the statewide races, and today we look at the most important federal races in Arizona. First, the biggest race of them all, the … Read More

Guest Editorial: Mark Kelly is Pivoting on the Border – Is Anyone Fooled?

By Ronald Sampson It’s late August in an even-numbered year, which in Arizona can also be known as “pivot season”. Now that primaries are out of the way, winning candidates will traditionally move towards the political center to appeal to those across the aisle. Blake Masters celebrated this holiday as ostentatiously as the person on your street whose Christmas lights … Read More

U.S. House Legislation Gives Arizona Drought Relief And Upholds Water Rights For The Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT). Updated Federal Legislation Introduced By Congressman Raul Grijalva Is Passed In U.S. House Vote.

Federal Legislation Previously Introduced In U.S. Senate A U.S. House version of S. 3308, a bill that would authorize the Colorado River Indian Tribes to lease a portion of its federal Colorado River water allocation, has been approved in a vote on the House floor. Arizona District 3 Congressman Raul Grijalva introduced the House legislation as part of a larger … Read More

The Breakdown: Can Anyone Topple Mark Kelly? The US Senate Race

We are wrapping up our Breakdown series as your ballot likely sits on your dining room table, and we have moved up progressively from the least well-known and covered statewide races to the most. And so we end with the highest prize in the state: who will join 99 other Americans in the US Senate, and can anyone topple Senator … Read More

Guest Editorial: The Libertarian Master of Puppets

By Alexander Lomax The parade of new entrants in Arizona political races continued last week, as we have a new candidate looking to unseat Mark Kelly: Blake Masters declared his candidacy for the US Senate. Who is Blake Masters, you may be asking yourself. Not much is known about Mr. Masters, but what is known is unusual. Most notably, he … Read More