Guest Editorial: Arizona’s New Deepfake Law is Well-Intentioned, but Fatally Flawed

By Paul Coble Chair of the Intellectual Property Department Rose Law Group On May 21, 2024, Gov. Katie Hobbs signed emergency House Bill 2394 into law in an attempt to curb the growing threat of digital impersonations created by Artificial Intelligence. The statute, A.R.S. § 16-1023 (the “Anti-Deepfake Statute”), is aimed at protecting Arizonans from being damaged by fake images … Read More

The Battle for the Legislature: Partisan Primaries Could Provide a Clue

The Arizona Republican Party has for a long time held a stranglehold on legislation at the State Capitol. Democrats haven’t held a majority in either the Senate or House since all the way back in 1992, representing a stunning 32 year time period where Republicans held a majority in both (outside of a four year period where the Senate was … Read More

Arizona Democrats Pro-Death Penalty? Local Leaders Take a Surprising Stance

When it comes to partisan politics, one dynamic has stayed constant for a long time: Democrats leaning towards compassion and Republicans leaning towards consequences when it comes to the legal process and crime. That dynamic has nearly always stayed in place when it comes to one of the more controversial topics of our time: the death penalty. Until now, that … Read More

No Longer 1864: Reversal of the Abortion Bill Potentially Upending Election

For a number of weeks, Arizona Republicans were extremely nervous, Democrats were furious, and the eyes of the country (sometimes even the world) were once again on Arizona, as the state Supreme Court ruled that an abortion law from all the way back in 1864 was once again the law of the land. This ruling would ensure that abortion was … Read More

Arizona Legislature Singing Kumbaya on Education…For Now

As this year’s legislative session kicks into full swing, one issue is front and center this year: education. And in a strange twist, Republicans and Democrats are actually somewhat united on this issue…for now. But as the fight for control of the legislature, which leans ever so perilously on the side of the Republicans, heats up this year these agreements … Read More

Phoenix’s Water Management Dilemma: Politics, Sustainability and Resources

By Grace Chapman Within the arid landscape of Arizona, water is a necessary resource as this summer saw scorching temperatures up to 116 degrees. Therefore it is imperative that Arizona’s local and state governments understand how to navigate water resources within the state. Phoenix faces a formidable challenge of managing water resources during climate change and growing urbanization. Most of … Read More