Not the Headlines Banner Health Needs: Controversy Continues to Follow Them

Regular readers are likely aware of the Banner Health saga here in Scottsdale, but for those who are not…the synopsis is that Banner Health is attempting to build a large hospital complex in North Scottsdale, in an area that is already well serviced by existing hospital facilities. It has little community support for the project and has gotten significant heat … Read More

Guest Editorial: A Potential Looming Crisis for Seniors

By Jaime Roberts and David Voepel Thirty-six percent of Arizona’s population is seniors – more than 2.5 million residents. Of those 2.5 million, thousands are residents in our long term care facilities. It takes an army of devoted caregivers to look after our seniors, and their commitment to serve is unmatched. The long term care profession is at a critical … Read More

Where Have You Gone, Banner Health?

Regular readers likely know about the Banner Health controversy (if not, you can get up to date here). In short, Banner Health is attempting to put a hospital facility in north Scottsdale, an area well-served by existing healthcare facilities already, a facility that no one at all was clamoring for. A battle was sure to be on its plate; this … Read More