Early Voting: Statewide Republican and Democratic Updates

With just five days remaining until Arizona’s 2024 primary election, let’s take a closer look at how Republicans and Democrats are performing across the state. Focusing first on the Republicans, a total of 1,156,580 GOP ballots have been requested. Of these, 1,089,498 are from registered Republicans and 67,082 from Independents. These numbers surpass the total requests from both 2020 and … Read More

Will Tammy Caputi Avoid a Run-Off and Win This Month?

Scottsdale residents who are registered on the early voter list have already received their ballots and have likely noticed an overabundance of options for Scottsdale City Council; nine, to be exact, all vying for one of three seats. We have written about these races a few times (you can check them out here), but one name stands out not just … Read More

Guest Editorial: Rep. Kolodin Should Stick to Water Issues

By Ronald Sampson Ahhhh, Representative Alex Kolodin…sometimes he shows so much promise, and sometimes he clearly can’t get out of his own way, compelled to foolishness by some unknown forces, some dark angel of conspiracy that convinces him to keep pushing into an abyss. He’s gotten attention a few times this year (get up to date here), and it’s not … Read More

Supervisor Bill Gates Not Seeking Re-Election: An Unfortunate Sign of Our Times

As a Maricopa County Supervisor, Bill Gates has been one of the steadiest rocks of local governance for years. He recently announced that he won’t be seeking re-election. While he certainly has earned more free time for himself, there is something larger and more insidious at play. It is an event where I am less prone to celebrating his service … Read More