Peoria and Its Leadership Again Creating Great Headlines

Peoria doesn’t typically get much coverage in this blog, although recently it’s been making more appearances as it rises up as the jewel of the west valley (you can read our coverage here). Last time we took notice it was some great new developments and more entertainment options going up there (combined with leadership’s spirit of saying Yes and being … Read More

Missteps by Scottsdale Unified: Is It Purposeful Subversion?

The Scottsdale Unified School District has had a good run recently. From largely avoiding the controversies that befell it a few years back to operating schools at levels that are gaining national recognition (read our full coverage here), it has been relatively smooth sailing recently…until now. A recent story potentially demonstrates an unforced error and a significant bump in the road, … Read More

More Good News for Scottsdale: Our Schools Are World Class

We love to tout Scottsdale on this blog, and there are many reasons why. We don’t have to tell you the reasons why it is such a popular national (and sometimes international) vacation destination. It has also become a burgeoning hotspot for jobs as well. And while we don’t often tout our educational system as one of the reasons why … Read More

Arizona Legislature Singing Kumbaya on Education…For Now

As this year’s legislative session kicks into full swing, one issue is front and center this year: education. And in a strange twist, Republicans and Democrats are actually somewhat united on this issue…for now. But as the fight for control of the legislature, which leans ever so perilously on the side of the Republicans, heats up this year these agreements … Read More

SUSD Drama Continues: When Adults Start Resembling the Students They Govern

The Scottsdale Unified School District Governing Board has been quite the magnet for plenty of…interesting activity over the last couple years. From protests to calls for a new superintendent from partisan challenges, there has been no shortage of drama. And that drama recently took a new turn that is something closer to a scene from a high school movie than … Read More