Rumor has it two complaining City of Phoenix employees, possibly in the City Attorney’s Office, are to blame for ending one of Arizona’s most spectacular Christmas displays.
(Here is a link a recent story on AZ Central. )
They purportedly moved into the Arcadia neighborhood that’s hosted the lights put up by Lee Sepanek for some 30 years, and didn’t like the enthusiasm the public has for those who believe that Christmas time is a celebration of all that is good and right with the world. They apparently don’t realize that for many families this as close as they ever get to the North Pole.
The result? The sad, front-page article in the November 16th Arizona Republic.
This is government at its worst, and its most hypocritical, led by the muted Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton. Never known as a leader Stanton’s silence on the issue is notable, even more so because he used to represent the homeowners while a mere mortal on the Phoenix City Council.
Just up the street Stanton doesn’t seem to mind the owners of the Wright House which routinely hold major events not with marsh mellows and cocoa but caviar and booze. And they don’t do so just around the holidays, The Wright House entertains so all year long.
Why the double standard?
To listen to the Sepaneks is like listening to a child let down by Santa Claus.
Let’s hope a reindeer soon shows up to light a better way for a neighborhood and city that should be celebrating Saint Nick, not grinching out to a bunch of not so saintly dicks.