Political malpractice. That’s a kind term to describe the decision to place both a City of Scottsdale bond package on the ballot as the same time as more money for the school district. At a time when the stock market is high but the economy is not.
Dueling taxing propositions was an effort needing to defy the gods. Rare are those able to do so. The City of Tempe did it in 2010 when they enacted a city sales tax increase on the same ballot as Governor Brewer’s successful push to increase the state sales tax.
But Scottsdale wasn’t so successful last night.
So which way Scottsdale now?
Do something Washington never seems to do. Talk to opponents. They won. Big. So go smaller. Don’t let ego get in the way. They are local patriots too.
Discuss what their priorities are. Find common ground. Then proceed as a team for the city, or its schools. In November, 2014. As was pointed out by proponents many parts of Scottsdale do need a tune up. And maybe next time get more Republicans involved with an effort whose inner circle was all Democratic. Scottsdale is overwhelmingly Republican after all.
A more successful effort can be achieved. John Boehner, Harry Reid and Barack Obama might even learn a thing or two from you along the way.