Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu Endorses Hugh Hallman for Arizona State Treasurer

Says Leadership on Difficult Regional Issues Shows Hallman is the Right Choice
Pinal County Sheriff and leading conservative Paul Babeu today endorsed Hugh Hallman in the Arizona State Treasurer’s race.
Babeu said that Hallman has demonstrated himself to be a regional leader with conservative principles to make him the right choice for the State Treasurer’s Office.
“Our state needs strong leadership that is adept at handling the difficult issues to ensure our quality of life,” Sheriff Babeu said. “As past Mayor of Tempe, Hugh Hallman has shown himself to be a true leader on issues of statewide importance, with a commitment to conservative principles that is important for Arizona’s future. I am pleased to endorse him for Arizona State Treasurer and know he is the best choice to represent all Arizona residents in this important office. hallman pic
Sheriff Babeu joins more than 80 conservative leaders who have endorsed Hallman in the Republican primary for State Treasurer — far and away the most of any candidate in the race. A full list of endorsements is available at
Hallman said that he was grateful for Sheriff Babeu’s support and his emergence as a young leader in the Republican Party in Arizona.
“Sheriff Babeu is one of the leading voices in our state for limited government that is responsive to the specific challenges we face in Arizona,” he said. “The Sheriff recognizes that without a fiscally responsible approach to government, our other problems will simply get worse. I appreciate his endorsement and support and look forward to bringing exactly that fiscally responsible approach to the State Treasurer’s Office.”
Hugh Hallman is a Republican candidate for Arizona State Treasurer. He is the immediate past Mayor of Tempe, a position that relied upon his background as a public servant, economist and attorney to shape policies that work for the people of his community. He also served as Chairman of the Maricopa Association of Governments during the final year of his second term as Mayor, where he played a leadership role in regional issues.
Hugh is a longtime community volunteer and lifelong resident of Arizona, where his family settled in the 1860s. In 2009, he became Headmaster of Tempe Preparatory Academy, now one of the State’s best public schools. He has a successful track record as an attorney, educator, economist and civic leader. For more information, visit