Not rich enough?

By Marco Rubio
Last week, our team told you about the New York Times attacking me for receiving four traffic tickets over the last 20 years. Now, today, the Times is out with a story suggesting that I’m not rich enough to be president!
According to the Times, “Rubio entered public life in a deep financial hole of his own making.” Sounds pretty bad, doesn’t it? But what exactly was this deep financial hole of my own making? My student loans! I didn’t have the money for college, so I had to take out loans. And now the Times is attacking me for it.
As I have said many times, I am not poor, but I’m not rich either. It’s true, I didn’t make over $11 million last year giving speeches to special interests. And we don’t have a family foundation that has raised $2 billion from Wall Street and foreign interests.
While we are truly blessed, Jeanette and I have to keep an eye on our family budget to send our kids to Christian schools and pay our mortgage. Like millions of Americans, I had to take out student loans to pay for college and law school, and only paid them off recently. But the biggest debt I have is to America. For this is not just the nation I was born in, it’s the country that changed the history of my family.
Look, I know these attacks are part of running for president, but the fact remains that we can’t rely on the media to tell our campaign’s story. And that’s why I need your help.
Will you click here to donate now and help us spread the real message of our campaign?
Your support ensures that we have the resources to run our positive, serious, ideas-driven campaign without having to worry about the silly media attacks against me.
I appreciate your help.
Marco Rubio
Republican Candidate for President