We love Scottsdale. We are unabashed enthusiasts for “the best city in America” as Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane likes to say.
That’s why we are aggressive and frequent voices towards those trying to run it down.
Like Scott and Debbie Jarson of Jarson & Jarson Real Estate, who are actually Paradise Valley residents. They are wrongly and hypocritically opposing a landmark new project in the southern part of downtown Scottsdale called Museum Square. We took them to task previously here. And will continue to do so as necessary.
Apparently the Jarsons think they know better what’s good for Scottsdale than a unanimous Scottsdale City Council, the Scottsdale Gallery Association, the Scottsdale Firefighter’s Association, Museum of the West, signature galleries in the area and nearby theater groups and small businesses, among others.
They don’t know better. Not by a long shot. Consider too that Museum Square isn’t just any development. It’s on city-owned land that’s doing nothing but hosting tumble weeds right now. The sale of it to Museum Square, however, will generate some $30 million that Scottsdale desperately needs right now for its crumbling infrastructure, police and fire protection and perhaps even some funds to expand the Museum of the West, a Smithsonian affiliate.
Since the Jarsons have misfired, let’s take a look at what’s wrong with their BB gun.
Scott and Debbie Jarson tout their expertise in selling homes that make a significant architectural contribution to the community. Hmmmm.
We decided to take a look at their web site, azarchitecture.com.
While there are some nice homes on there, there is some real crap too. Look at these web gems.
Who do these people think they are, as non-residents, to be lecturing anyone in Scottsdale about Museum Square or anything else when it comes to design and decency? Furthermore, Scott Jarson, as Chairman of the Town of Paradise Valley Hillside Committee, has empowered countless developers and home-builders to carve up that community’s mountains. More on this particular issue in the coming weeks.
Beyond the Jarsons, there appears to be very few other opponents of Museum Square. As it should be. A singular compatriot lives in a small condo complex near the Museum Square site. But when Jarson apparently sold it to him, did he not disclose to the buyer that big heights were already permitted on the public property now in question? No rational thinking person could believe it would remain fallow forever.
All of this is why the Jarsons wayward critiques and intellectual laryngitis must continue to be highlighted. So do their ethics. For example, they list Swaback Partners, Museum Square’s renowned architect, on their own website as a company “partner.” Some partner.
We hear that soon people may be seeing StopJarsonandJarsonRealEstate.com. And BadAzArchitecture.com.
They should. Spite, as we have written before, is a sad reason to try and harm the project that could be so good for Scottsdale.
Give us your feedback at stayabreastaz@gmail.com. Because the feedback from the Jarsons, on anything at this point, is feedback Scottsdale does not need. Or deserve.