By Sal DiCiccio
Teachers vs Trains: 22,222 new teachers is how much just $1 Billion of the $33 billion transit tax could fund
Results of a newly released poll show the majority of the public is aware of a $33 Billion boondoggle tax, but also believe that funding education is a higher priority than the gargantuan cost of one mile of rail ($161 million/mile). Having a liberal Mayor and liberal majority on the Council does not bode well for the future of fiscal responsibility in the City of Phoenix.
“Those who want to increase funding for K-12 education should oppose the City of Phoenix’s rush to the ballot for an increase in its sales tax for transportation…K-12 education should get first dibs on a sales tax increase, even if how and when a proposal might arise is uncertain. Phoenix should stand down.” – (Robert Robb, Arizona Republic, 3/1/15)
Here are the poll results in their entirety: Poll
(Question 6 on a head to head has me 2 points ahead of Mayor Stanton)
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From my family to yours,
Sal DiCiccio
Phoenix City Council
District 6