I filed my official arguments in opposition to Mayor Stanton’s train tax increase. This special interest boondoggle will cost you $31.5 BILLION – money that should be used to hire more teachers, police and firefighters.
2,900 NEW teachers could be hired for the cost of just one mile of rail.
Just the numbers:
$31.5 BILLION in taxes
$300 Million – Additional interest charges by exempting Big Business from this tax increase and forcing small business to pay the entire cost
$161 MILLION – Average cost per mile for rail
$130 Million Loss to date – Value of the loss taxpayers must cover for the Sheraton. This was the last time the politicians wanted to spend your hard earned money on something that was rushed.
Fiscal accountability and responsibility is what is needed now. The loss of the Sheraton and the looming pension crisis are what happens when big spending projects are rushed to a decision.
Add this train boondoggle to the Sheraton and pension crisis and you have a big problem facing our city and your family.
It’s now up to you to stop this in August at the ballot box. When you get your city voter guide, read my arguments and share it with others.
This election, please send a message to the politicians and the insiders to get your fiscal house in order first before rushing another project that could bankrupt our great city.
From my family to yours,
Sal DiCiccio
Phoenix City Council
District 6