By Senator Jeff Flake
2015 has been a busy and challenging year, and the country still faces many more challenges. But as we approach the critical 2016 Election Year, I’m pleased to say I’ve made progress in Congress on a few issues.
I have worked hard to deliver solutions that are wins for taxpayers, lasting achievements like:
- The Border Jobs Protection Act — finding employment for skilled armed forces veterans where we need it in securing America’s borders;
- Ending so-called “Paid Patriotism,” where the Defense Department used taxpayers money to pay for ceremonies honoring our armed forces at many professional sports games – especially egregious because many teams, like the Arizona Cardinals, gladly honor the troops for the right reasons, not for payment;
Leading the fight to end frivolous and unnecessary federal government spending — and exposing the worst offenses with our just-released Wastebook campaign, which you can view on my official website