By Scottsdale Pinetop
The Highs
*Anna Thomasson, Ellen Andeen and Councilman Paul Dembow were elected to the Paradise Valley Town Council in the Aug. 28 election.
*Councilwoman Kathy Littlefield congratulated volunteers who collected 37K signatures to put Prop. 420 on the November ballot at a Volunteer Celebration dinner this past Wednesday August 29th.
The Lows
*Paradise Valley resident James Anton lost his election to serve on the Paradise Valley Town Council at the Aug. 28 election. Perhaps he should have actually run a campaign.
*Former councilman Daniel Valenzuela neglected to disclose outstanding debt owed in his name when he filed two recent public financial statements. Filing a false or incomplete disclosure statement is a misdemeanor under Phoenix City Code.
* Tea Party Scottsdale will be hosting a Scottsdale City Council candidate debate at their headquarters on Thursday September 20th from 6:30 to 8:00pm
* The Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce and the Scottsdale Independent will be hosting a Scottsdale City Council candidate debate at Scottsdale City Hall on Monday October 1st from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
*The Scottsdale Independent reached out to each candidate to ask their interpretation of a pending sales tax pursuit at City Hall and how they believe to best pay for crumbling infrastructure throughout pockets of the municipality. Click here to read full article.
- What do you make of this sales tax measure headed for the ballot?
Councilman David Smith: “I will be voting for the ballot question because the capital needs of the city are at a desperate level and any amount of capital funds from any source will be a welcome infusion.”
Councilwoman Milhaven: “I will be voting yes on Question No. 1 to raise sales tax for road improvements. Without the additional revenue, we will not be able to claim over $170 million in county matching funds. Even with this increase, we will have one of the lowest sales tax rates in the region.”
Councilwoman Kathy Littlefield: “By passing Question 1 on the ballot in November, citizens will go a long way toward getting the money we need for many of our transportation needs.”
Bill Crawford: “I support the proposed measure. Passing this measure will provide much-needed revenue for transportation improvement projects throughout Scottsdale.”
Solange Whitehead: “I will vote for the transportation tax, but taxpayers should never have been put in between a rock and a hard place.”
Candidates in Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, and Phoenix should feel free to send me tips and information at