The population of Phoenix is expected to nearly double in the next 30 years. That’s a lot more people on the roads, and a lot more wear and tear on our streets.
MovePHX is an all-of-the-above transportation initiative that will fund fresh coats of asphalt for more than 680 miles of streets. The plan will also add 135 miles of new sidewalks and 2,000 new streetlights.
For just a penny more on a $3 cup of coffee, we can build the comprehensive transportation infrastructure that we need.
In addition to repairing aging roads, MovePHX will expand bus and light rail, and add 1,080 miles of new bike lanes.
“I drive around Phoenix a lot. I know how to avoid traffic on the main streets because I hate it. If MovePHX would alleviate congestion on the roads that would definitely help.”
– Mikala Voughn
In 2000, voters approved to create the Citizen Transit Commission to oversee how tax dollars are spent on all transit and traffic improvements. Already we’ve made significant strides to improve our streets. Upgrades have been made to add 330 additional left turn arrows at intersections and 300 bus pullout bays.
Phoenix needs a widespread transportation system to support the city’s growth and a better quality of life for its residents.
To improve our city, vote yes on Proposition 104 in August!