As you may have seen on the news last week, hundreds of illegal immigrants – mostly women and children – were flown from Texas to Arizona and inhumanely left at Greyhound bus stations in Phoenix and Tucson because of a lack of federal immigration resources in Texas.
It was another snapshot of all that’s wrong with immigration policy under the Obama administration – as if anyone needed more evidence. Their idea of a “solution” is always to shift the problem to someone else, in this case to the people of Arizona. Federal authorities lecture us on our own responsibilities, and then they abandon illegal immigrants – in 100-plus degree heat, and in a state already dealing with Washington’s consistent failure to control the border.
To hold the Obama administration accountable, tomorrow I will formally request that Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar, who serves on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, seek an immediate inquiry into the matter. If Rep. Gosar and Chairman Darrell Issa take the lead in calling this hearing, then Congress can get at the truth, and force the administration to explain its scandalous neglect of responsibility. That would be at least one step toward a change in federal policy – one of many that are needed to enforce immigration laws and to meet a basic constitutional obligation.
At the same time, we also demand answers from the Obama administration explaining its years-long betrayal of duty in the care of veterans, including Arizona veterans who ran out of time waiting for care from the Phoenix VA. Here, too, is a national scandal with an Arizona focus – and fundamental reform should begin with Arizona leaders.
If you agree, I hope you’ll join me in signing a petition seeking immediate corrective action from Washington – in both immigration policy and in veterans affairs. The Obama administration may not be serious about either issue, but here’s a chance to show them that we are. To add your name to this cause, please go to
Thank you,
Doug Ducey