Guest Editorial: Time to Vote

By Councilwoman Betty Janik

I urge you to re-elect Mayor Dave Ortega for a second term on Scottsdale City Council. Much has been accomplished in his first term.  He was instrumental in passing the General Plan, he has been the regional leader in controlling short term rentals, he has kept city finances in the black while increasing reserves and reducing the property tax rate, he has improved downtown parking, approved only the highest quality developments, and supported our first responders.  The list goes on.

Of all his accomplishments, there is one that stands out to me as an example of his tenacity and commitment to our city.  Back in August, 2021, at the urging of Mayor Dave, City Council Initiated an update to the Old Town Scottsdale Character Area Plan (OTSCAP).  I felt that staff was somewhat resistant to this action, which is a daunting process with hundreds of pages of documents needing review and possible revision.  Our Mayor persisted in his efforts to improve the OTSCAP.  His goal was to make Old Town Scottsdale a reflection of our past while ushering it into the future.  On February 20, 2024, after over 30 months of work, the document was in final form.  The Mayor championed better defined development types, strict regulations on transition areas going from lower to higher structures, a renewed focus on shaded interconnected pedestrian walkways, increased setback at intersections for safety, and reduced base height and bonus height maximums for future new construction.  With these improvements, the resident and visitor experience will be enhanced and welcoming. Our downtown area will continue to thrive for years to come thanks to the vision of Mayor Dave.

Tammy Caputi was an active participant in all of these accomplishments.  She promotes the economic vitality of Scottsdale. Of note is her dedicated to education, she served as a founding member of our education subcommittee. She is seeking a second term on Council and she will continue to promote the winning formula that keeps Scottsdale as the Gold Standard of the valley. Let’s keep her on Council.

Finally, Maryann McAllen may be considered by some as a newbie, but she has lived in Scottsdale 60 years.  She has been active in the community for decades offering her time to youth activities, charities, and Scottsdale Boards, usually in a leadership position. Actions speak louder than words! I ask you to support her as my replacement on Council.


With gratitude,


Scottsdale Councilwoman Betty Janik