Phoenix, AZ – Today, Republican Phoenix City Councilman Bill Gates filed more than 2,000 nominating signatures for County Board of Supervisors, which is almost three times the 711 signatures needed to qualify for the ballot.
“I am honored and humbled by the amount of support I have received since announcing my intent to run for the County Board of Supervisors,” said Gates. “I am looking forward to a spirited campaign as I work to gain the support of the voters of Maricopa County District 3.”
Additionally, Gates officially resigned his council position under Arizona’s “Resign to Run” law before filing his nomination paperwork.
“It is a bittersweet moment as I close one chapter of my life and open another,” Gates stated. “I am incredibly proud of all I have accomplished at the City of Phoenix with the help of so many including: my colleagues; city staff; the great residents of Phoenix and District 3; and of course my friends and family. Thank you for your advice and support.”
Gates, who has represented Phoenix Council District 3 for the past seven years, issued the following letter of resignation to Mayor Stanton:
May 31, 2016
The Honorable Greg Stanton
Mayor, City of Phoenix
200 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Mayor Stanton:
It has been a great pleasure and an honor representing District 3 on the Phoenix City Council for the past seven years. The City of Phoenix has faced many challenges and celebrated many accomplishments during this time and I have been privileged to work with you and our colleagues on the City Council as we worked to make Phoenix a great place to live, work, and play.
I am grateful to have played a pivotal role in helping bringing Phoenix out of the great recession. I am proud to have led the innovation and efficiency efforts, which have garnered the City $112 million in annual savings, I am proud that we have made Phoenix more inviting to small businesses, and I am proud of the redevelopment efforts we have accomplished in District 3. Through collaboration and hard work, I know Phoenix is better off than it was seven years ago.
I am grateful to all the wonderful Phoenix residents, especially the District 3 residents. From Sunnyslope, to Moon Valley, to Paradise Valley Mall Area, to North Mountain, to North 32nd Street, and every place in between, it has been an honor to serve and work with so many great residents to spur economic development, keep our neighborhoods safe, and improve our community. To those residents who I have had the pleasure of representing these past seven years, thank you for your friendship and the trust you instilled in me as your elected city council member. Know that I am not going far and will continue to work with you to help improve our community.
As you know, I have decided to stand for election to the Office of Maricopa County Supervisor this August. Therefore, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes Section 38-296, which prohibits an elected official from running for another elected office except in the last year of his or her term, I am resigning my office as District 3 Phoenix City Councilman effective immediately.
I will offer any and all assistance to my successor on the City Council to make this transition as seamless as possible. I wish you and the entire City Council the very best for the future.
Bill Gates
Councilwoman Theda Williams – District 1
Councilman Jim Waring – District 2
Councilwoman Laura Pastor – District 4
Councilman Daniel Valenzuela – District 5
Councilman Sal Diciccio – District 6
Councilman Michael Nowakowski – District 7
Vice Mayor Kate Gallego – District 8
City Clerk Cris Meyer