From the Crawford for Scottsdale Campaign: Big Endorsement

I’m proud to announce that the Scottsdale Area Association of REALTORS have endorsed our campaign for Scottsdale City Council!
“…the Scottsdale Area Association of REALTORS (SAAR) recommends and endorses candidates that recognize the issues facing our more than 9,000 members and share our vision for future communities that support real estate and homeownership.” 
REALTORS are the “eyes and ears” on the ground monitoring property values and attracting new residents to our great city. They’re ambassadors and they are marketing and promoting the value of being a resident in Scottsdale, and doing a great job. We know REALTORS support the value of purchasing a home in Scottsdale.
In addition to the REALTORS support, we also recently picked up the endorsement from the Arizona Multihousing Association.
Thanks again for your support and feel free to contact me with any questions about our campaign.
Bill Crawford