by Jeff DeWitt
It has been an honor to serve Arizona as State Treasurer. I wanted to take a few minutes and thank everyone for their continued support. It is unbelievable how much my life has changed as I went from an everyday father working in the financial world to being elected as Arizona State Treasurer. The road here was not easy, but very worth it as I have been able to put my 23 years of financial experience to use in serving our community. I wanted to make sure you all know how grateful I am for your votes and support.
To read my quick update, please visit my Facebook page here:
I now oversee $31 Billion in inflows and outflows, and over $13 Billion in state investments including being the guardian of the Arizona Permanent Land Endowment Trust Fund which was established to provide money forever for the education of Arizona’s children, and our children’s children. Those who know me know that I will always stand up for what is right, regardless of politics or pressure. My job is to protect Arizona’s financial future, and by doing my job well I hope I can contribute to our great state being able to bring in jobs and have a thriving economy.
Thank you again for all of your support. I am working hard to be the very best State Treasurer I can be for all of Arizona. My door at the Capitol is always open, so please feel free to stop by, say hi and get a tour.
Jeff DeWit