Debbie Lesko Needs Our Help

By Governor Doug Ducey

Dear  Friend —
As you know, it’s not often that I ask that you support someone else’s campaign for public office, but I’m asking you to support  Debbie Lesko for Congress.
We share the conservative values of limited government, fiscal accountability and a strong national defense.
It’s critical that we keep Arizona’s 8th Congressional District red and that we elect leaders like Debbie who work for the best interests of their constituents and the state they represent.
Debbie has been instrumental in passing key legislation here in Arizona:

  • Reforming our police and firefighters pension system
  • Sponsoring historic tax reform which to eased the burden on businesses large and small
  • Eliminating wasteful spending
  • Championing a bill that got rid of “surprise medical billing” in our healthcare system
  • Fighting against unfair utility fees for her constituents

This is why I know she’ll make a great member of Congress.  In today’s political climate, we can’t take anything for granted.
The state and national Democrat machine has already stated that they’re going “all in” to fund Debbie’s Democrat challenger in an effort to turn the 8th District blue and gain a vote in the House of Representatives. Why, you may ask?  Three words: Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
We can’t let this happen.
Debbie’s election is in just three and a half weeks! Moreover, the early voting period started yesterday!
So please don’t delete this email. The stakes are just too high for us to take anything – let alone this congressional race – for granted.


Make a contribution to Debbie’s campaign now >>>


Doug Ducey
P.S. Please don’t delete or skip over this email.  Please click here now to make a much-needed contribution to Debbie Lesko for Congress today.  The state and national Democrat machine has put the 8th Congressional District in their crosshairs and plan to steal this seat away from Republicans in their effort to re-take the majority and re-install Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. We simply can’t let that happen.  Thank you for your support!