PHOENIX — Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny today endorsed Proposition 123 citing the resources it will provide teachers and students throughout the next 10 years.
The Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) estimates that Chandler Unified School District will receive more than $9 million this year alone if Prop 123 passes.
“I’m supporting Prop 123 because it’s going to provide our schools, teachers and students with stability and support for the next decade,” Mayor Tibshraeny said. “It will put billions of dollars into Arizona’s K-12 public education system over the next decade without raising taxes. It’s prudent, fiscally responsible, and will help our teachers and students succeed in the classroom. Join me and vote YES on May 17.”
“Mayors across the state agree — Prop 123 is good for their communities, schools, teachers and students,” Sharon Harper, chairman of the Let’s Vote Yes for Arizona Schools said. “We’re putting $3.5 billion into Arizona’s K-12 schools without raising taxes. Residents of this state will keep more of their money while Arizona’s kids receive a better education with more stability in the classroom. It’s a win-win.”