Government Matchmakers: What if Scottsdale Followed Japan’s Lead?

For all the single people out there, would you like your government to help you find a mate? We’re going to garner a guess that nearly 100% of the responses would range from “No!” to “Hell no!”. But that is precisely what parts of Japan are doing to help stem their population decline due to low birth rates. Scottsdale has … Read More

Guest Editorial: The Harris Honeymoon

By Tony Fabrizio Many of you have heard me refer to the upcoming “Harris Honeymoon” that I expect to see in the public polling over the next couple of weeks. As I’ve explained, the honeymoon will be a manifestation of the wall-to-wall coverage Harris receives from the MSM. The coverage will be largely positive and will certainly energize Democrats and … Read More

Guest Editorial: Susan Wood’s Sore Losing

By Alexander Lomax The City of Scottsdale won a significant legal victory on July 19. The City seeks to place an initiative on the November ballot, which if approved, creates a sales tax to fund maintenance, personnel and capital improvements to the McDowell Sonoran Preserve, the city’s 44 parks and WestWorld. The Goldwater Institute sued the City on behalf of … Read More

Early Voting: Statewide Republican and Democratic Updates

With just five days remaining until Arizona’s 2024 primary election, let’s take a closer look at how Republicans and Democrats are performing across the state. Focusing first on the Republicans, a total of 1,156,580 GOP ballots have been requested. Of these, 1,089,498 are from registered Republicans and 67,082 from Independents. These numbers surpass the total requests from both 2020 and … Read More

How are the Scottsdale City Council Races Looking in the Final Stretch?

Now that Q2 campaign finance reports are in for all candidates, as are many of their required “pre-primary” reports showing financial activity between July 1st and 13th, we have gotten some additional insight into the strength of the campaigns of Scottsdale City Council candidates. Again, Tammy Caputi is dominating the competition raising an impressive nearly $89K during Q2 and spending … Read More

Speaker’s Corner: Justin Laos

This is a place where free speech and public debate are welcomed and encouraged. The Speakers’ Corner originated in the mid-19th century at London’s Hyde Park. The concept spread worldwide both physically and now virtually. Here at the Arizona Progress & Gazette, we are presenting this platform in the form of question-and-answer style interviews with people who have had a … Read More

Looking Forward to July 30th: Q2 Update on Contested Primaries

Recently we took a look at some of the more contested and interesting primaries in our area, and with the 2nd quarter campaign finance reports now submitted, we finally got a final look at how the finances of the top four campaigns are looking, and as such, additional insight into the strength of those campaigns and their odds of success. … Read More

Guest Editorial: I’m Standing With Marlene

By AZ Attorney General Kris Mayes Hi, I’m Kris Mayes – proudly serving Arizona as Attorney General. I’m reaching out today about my good friend, Marlene Galán-Woods. Marlene is the proud daughter of Cuban refugees, mother of five who raised her family here in Arizona, and a former crusading journalist who exposed corruption for decades. She’s the fearless leader we … Read More