The Arizona Republic recently announced it was abandoning local editorials and opinion pages. What a shame.
In years past the Republic, Phoenix Gazette and Scottsdale Progress joined the likes of the Glendale Star, West Valley View and many others to provide robust commentary on matters of local import.
The Arizona Progress & Gazette has been launched with names from the past to lead in the future. With energetic commentary and great debate.
A healthy Arizona Republic is a community imperative, no matter its opinion. From investigative journalism to a forum for ferocious disagreement it is an undeniable public benefit.
Yet, its leftward editorial tilt in recent years combined with its abandonment of community opinion provides an opportunity. From the center-right.
You will see our commentaries featured on the pages of the Independent Newspapers, whose expanding presence in the Valley will provide yet another way for our contributors and commentators to reach a broad audience.
Featured Twitter feeds will only be those that add colorful commentary that advance the best of opinion, event those we disagree with. Let us know if you are up to the task. Or if your Transient Tongue, otherwise known as our guest column section, is interested in making an appearance.
Many of those contributing to this effort will be known fairly quickly, others in time while still others will likely never be.
Smart is interesting. So is humor. They’ll always be on display here. Along with a little vinegar from the right.