Such a case can really be found in 2004. In the form of John Kerry. Not loved but viewed as quite competent Kerry was a weak frontrunner for the 2004 Democratic nomination for President, kind of like Ken Bennett who sits atop most polls for Arizona Governor in 2014 but who most observers think we will toppled due to limited fundraising and a boredom factor.
And Kerry was toppled . . . for a while. By Howard Dean before The Scream went too shrill. And John Edwards almost caught Kerry in Iowa, but didn’t have the juice to challenge in New Hampshire. He was apparently saving that for someone else.
But then the Democrats returned to Kerry having yawned about him in the first place. He waged a tough campaign against George W. Bush, like Bennett undoubtedly would against Fred Duval.
With the motley crew assembled for the GOP nomination fight Bennett will remain the choice of some primary voters while he is most certainly a second or third choice for many others. If and when Jones, Ducey, Smith, Thomas et al all turn on each other Bennett could be the most innocent man standing, surging late having once led early. Like John Kerry.
Stranger things have happened especially with the Bennett campaign showing a little spunk even though it lost some allies to Smith. Sources say Bennett was the most organized at the recent Arizona Republican Party state convention. Sometimes little victories early can grow into bigger ones later.